Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Life is about to Change

I can't believe in less than 30 days Peter and I finally get to meet baby Preston James. It seems like it took forever to get to this point. After over a year of trying and a little help from Dr. K and Dr. A, we are actually going to have a baby. Sometimes it doesn't seem real. I can't wait to hold Preston and see what the little guy looks like. Will he look like Peter?  I think so based on the last sonogram. You can already tell he has Peter's nose, which I love!

The fertility process is not a fun one. When we were going through it I didn't understand why it seemed so easy for other people to get pregnant and not us. But now it all makes sense in a weird way. I guess that's the way it usually works. I've always believed things happen for a reason and now I am starting to understand why Peter and I had to go through this. Like my friend Ally said, I hope Preston knows how much he was wished for. He isn't even here yet and he has already been worth the wait.

The nursery is ready, his clothes have been washed and all his baby stuff has been assembled. We attended a birthing class and I've read several books. So I guess now we just wait. But in the big picture, 30 days is nothing compared to the last 2 years!